What is Transactional Analysis?Transactional Analysis (TA) was invented by Eric Berne, M.D.(1910-1970). Perhaps you are familiar with his first popular book, Games People Play, published in 1964. Long before then, back in 1947, as a psychoanalytically oriented psychiatrist, he wrote The Mind In Action, which was revised later, in 1957, under the title of A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis. Dr. Berne was dedicated to finding a way to talk about human behavior in a non-technical language that would reach the man in the street. Disenchanted with mainstream psychiatry, he changed his approach to a form of social psychiatry that communicated in easily understood, simple language. Discovering that people behaved from three different parts of their personality, he replaced old psychoanalytic concepts of id, ego, and superego with actually experienced "ego states." People could be observed functioning from a parental part (the Parent ego state), an adult part (the Adult ego state), and a child part (the Child ego state). In observing communication between people he noted an interaction of these different parts, which he identified as "transactions." Hence the name Transactional Analysis. You can read an excellent, concise definition of TA in The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd edition, 2001, Volume 4, p. 1704). The ITAA (International TA Association) can assist you in your search for more information. It publishes the Transactional Analysis Journal for up-to-date professional articles about TA theory and practice. You can also go to their on-line site to review historical or special TA articles. Unfortunately, because of its simplicity and popularity, TA became a part of the American pop culture in the 70's. The ITAA, however, is committed to developing a strong scientific basis for TA theory and practice. The late Robert Gouldiing, M.D. (1918-1992) and his wife, Mary McClure Goulding, originated a powerful and effective form of TA therapy, known as Redecision Therapy, in the 60's. They revolutionized the application of TA by integrating it with gestalt therapy, and validated it by demonstrating actual behavioral change in clients. "Gestalt," a German word meaning "whole," refers to our being in contact with our experience as it unfolds in the present while we finish or complete unfinished childhood issues. Below is a very brief description or glossary of a few basic TA concepts; a fuller explanation can be found in my TA primer (available from my TA Bookstore) and other advanced works.
These are only a few of the basic concepts used by transactional analysts in their work with individuals, groups, and organizations. My basic TA primer can be ordered from the new publisher. |